Thursday 20 July 2017

#Newbiecycletourer - The Ride!

I have Claire to thank for the hashtag. I'm not sure where she got it from, but I have adopted it for my upcoming Cycle Tour. I met Claire volunteering through a Cycling UK project called Belles on Bikes.  There are several groups across Scotland. I joined the Edinburgh Belles as a regular member, but received Cycle Ride Leader training through my work and let Claire know I'd be happy to help out once in a while. Before I knew it I was regularly leading rides and had met a group of fantastic women who have inspired me to push myself. Hence the Cycle tour. I will be blogging about the ride for the next week or so, and hope to inspire some others to get out there and explore!

But now, I am getting to grips with the prep for the this ride. The route is pretty much set with some fantastic advice from some Irish cyclists on the cycling forum - although if anyone has some good advice then I am happy to revamp bits of it at any time. 

I will be starting off in my home town of Edinburgh. Loading up the bike and saying a fond (temporary) farewell to my cat Shadow. From the city I will be following Sustrans route 75 out to Glasgow. I am pretty familiar with the first part of this route having grown up in Livingston, which this route passes through, so for the first morning at least I will be in known territory! 

The route continues out of Livingston to Bathgate, again an area I know fairly well, but then comes the first unknown territory as I head out of Bathgate towards Armadale! this is where the adventure really begins....

I stay with Route 75 out to Uddingston, where I come off for my first nights stop at a friends house in Blantyre. The next day it's back on to Route 75 into Glasgow, but not for long. 75 and 7 run alongside each other for a bit and here I say farewell, and switch onto route 7 down moving down the west coast. This brings me to my second nights stop somewhere around Troon/Ayr region. 

Day 3 sees me continue on route 7 down to Maybole, where I cut back to the coast and follow Kirkoswald road to Cairnryan - hopefully in time to catch the ferry to Belfast at 7.30pm! 

Day 4 is a day off exploring the city - I have been told as it will be a Sunday a lot of places will be closed, but I am sure I will find plenty to occupy me - assuming my legs will hold me up! 

The next day it is back on the bike taking Upper Newtonards road to Newtonard, and following the east side of the Strangford lough down to Portaferry. From there it's a short ferry hop, and then more cycling to my next stop at Newcastle. 

Day 6 takes me from Newcastle down to Dundalk, with option of staying on dry land or another ferry ride - this depending on the new link between Greencastle and Haggardstown being open, and the state of my legs! 

The following day is from Dundalk to Skerries, leaving me with a final hop from there to Dublin on Day 8. 

Links to maps can be seen below, but if anyone has some tips, advice, or comments on route planning techniques  please feel free to share in the comments!  



 Route 7


 Belfast to Dublin

Time to get on the bike!


  1. I have just discovered your blog, Barbara! I am delighted I can keep up with your touring adventure :) Claire

    1. Just seen this! Hope you have enjoyed it...
