Thursday 20 July 2017

Beyond the familiar - Day One!

So today I discovered (yet again) that you never leave on time when going on a much to be done before you leave and so little time.

The cat had a vet appointment at 8.30, I know, I know, not the best timing, but needs must...anyway I figured it would get me out of bed and prepared for the day ahead. Which worked. Kind of. I was still running around doing things and left about 12.15ish - only an hour and 15 mins or so later than planned.

Ready to go! 

Given my first stop was lunch with my aunt in Bathgate, I decided to forego the first part of route 75 instead taking a more direct route on familiar paths out of Edinburgh. It was a bit strange cycling in these places with a loaded bike. I kept wondering if people were wondering about me and where I was going (and from - they didn't know I had just started in the city after all) the familiar become a little unfamiliar.

Up until I actually left on the bike some part of me didn't really think it would happen. Despite the planning and paying for ferries and the discussion and advice from friends who have done tours before, but here I was cycling out of my home time. Destination? Blantyre.

As I mentioned I abandoned route 75 out of Edinburgh and instead followed the cities quiet route 9 out to Newbridge. If you live in the city check out the council's quiet routes on their website - more are being developed all the time and they are generally quieter roads and paths suitable for beginners and kids. From Newbridge it's a straight run along the A89 to Bathgate, cycle path by the road all the way. What I hadn't banked on was the slight gradient along most of the miles here - just enough to be noticeable, but over a long long stretch I have to admit I struggled a bit! Past Dechmont the going gets a bit easier however and I made it to my aunt's in Bathgate by about 3.15 A bit slower than my normal pace but to be expected with a loaded bike! (And I haven't even mentioned the slight headwind 😋)
At Ratho looking back to Edinburgh...

And forward to Bathgate!
Made it! (This is my Aunt's garden)

After a late lunch and lots of water I was back on my way, finally following Route 75. The path from Bathgate follows the railway line all the way to Airdrie. It's a beautiful stretch of path (on a pretty good cycling day anyway - apart from the slight headwind mentioned the weather today has been good to me - long may it continue!)
Hillend Reservoir (snack stop)

The path runs by Hillend Reservoir and has some great scenery. Mostly flat with a little bit of undulation, I would recommend it as a route for anyone living in the central belt. From Airdrie it gets a bit more complicated and I came across quite a bit of glass on the path. There was one bit of road around here that was a bit scary - not helped by someone shouting 'BOO' out of their car window at me. However, made it safe and sound and the rest of the route was shared paths or very quiet and posed no problems - have to say the signage for the route is excellent. Hats off to sustrans, when I get a bit of spare cash some of it may make it's way to them as a donation to keep up the good work.

Finally came to the turnoff for Blantyre/Hamilton and my bed for the night around 6.45 and to the most confusing part of the trip so far! Got lost several times and took much longer than it should have to get there... However finally made it and was welcomed with some yummy chicken fajitas for dinner. Thank you Heather!

Now to go and drink this glass of wine that has just been put in my hand. Mmm. Roll on tomorrow.

And relax! 


  1. Well done for getting the first day under your belt! With you in spirit :)

    1. Thanks Karen! Really enjoying it so far!
